Visit the student residence
Visit the student residence
Visit the student residence

Faculty 2-Pediatrics and Medical Biology
Faculty 2-Pediatrics and Medical Biology
Faculty 2-Pediatrics and Medical Biology

a competition of "The Best Hostel"
a competition of "The Best Hostel"
In TashPMI, a competition was held between dormitories called "The Best Hostel", dedicated to the year 2018 "The Year of Support of Active Business, Innovative Ideas and Technologies".
The 2nd hostel received the first place in three nominations:
"Salomatlik spartаkiadasi-2018"
"Salomatlik spartаkiadasi-2018"
In TashPMI there was a sports competition called "Salomatlik Spartakadiasi-2018" among the teachers of the faculties, in which the volleyball team of the 2nd Pediatric Faculty took the second place.