Scientific problem: "Molecular bases of secondary immunodeficiencies and ways of their correction" On this subject on chair 5 doctoral dissertations and 16 theses on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of science were defended. 2 textbooks, 6 manuals, 23 educational and methodical grants are published by more than 682 scientific article, 197 copyright certificates are received. So far in this direction асисстент chairs Azimov A.M. under the leadership of Akbarov A.B. works on the subject "The Two-nuclear 3D Complexes — Metals with α — Amino Acids with the Various Nature of the Coordination Centers". In 2009 assistant Suleymanova G.G. defended the master's dissertation on a subject: Features of formation of pseudo-amide coordination connections polimentation bivalent metals Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II)". In 2012 assistant Ikramova Z.A. I defended the master's dissertation on a subject: "Development of structure and the production technology of ceramic glazed facing materials on the basis of local raw materials and waste of productions".
Employees of the Department are doing research on the methods and conditions of synthesis of complex compounds of biogenic elements with biologically active ligands.
The 2011-2012 academic year the staff of the Department Алимходжаевой N.T., Арифжанов С.З., Икрамовой Z.A., Suleymanova I.I Azimov A.M. participated with presentations in national and international conferences, such as: TashPMI, “Zamonaviy axborot kommunikasiya va ta’lim texnologiyalarini tibbiyot oliygoxlarida o’quv jarayoniga tadbiq etish” Materials of the Republican educational - methodical conference Tashkent 2011y., Scientific - practical conference “Sog’lom ayol – sog’lom bola” Tashkent 2011y., TashPSU «Innovatsiya - 2011» scientific - practical conference., «Mediko – ekologicheskie problemi I oxrana zdorov’ya naseleniya Priaral’ya». Nukus-2012.
2012-2013, employees of the Department Алимходжаевой N.T., Айходжева B.K., Арифжанов С.З., Икрамовой Z.A., Suleymanova I.I Azimov A.M. participated with presentations in national and international conferences, such as: “Sentralno – aziatskaya mejdunarodnaya konferensiya po ximicheskoy texnologii. Moscow -2012., “Ilm – fan tarraqiyoti va iqtisodiyotini innovatsion rivojlantirish” Republican scientific - practical conference of young scientists. Тashkent – 2012y.
Annually first-year students under the leadership of teachers of a course of bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry actively participate at student's conferences. In 2011-2012 academic year under the leadership of Alimkhodzhayeva N. T. Ikramova Z.A. Suleymanova G.G., Azimov A.M. at the SNO conference the following students participated: Ubaydullayeva Z.R. 102 I п, Buriyeva of D 107 I п, Eshonkhodzhayeva D. D. of 105 Dee, Turayev D. A. 105 тп, Styopkina I, B 111 II п, Mansurov of M.Yu 105, Bikulov I.M. 102 Dee, Zhabbarova G. A. Egamova S.Sh. 105 тп, Yartseva D. D. of 102 Dee, Akbarov N.B 101 of I п, Abdurakhimov I. Қ. 110 I p, Y¸ldoshov M. A. 109 I p, Ayubkhonov N. O. 105 I п, Akhmedov of Page 104 I п, Abdurakhimov A.I. 109 I items.
2017 to the year the employees of course are produce a textbook "Medical chemistry".
Medical chemistry