History of course

Departments "Analytical Chemistry" and "Organic Chemistry" of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute were founded in 1972. The first head of the department "Analytical Chemistry" was Dr. Yuldashev Arip Yuldashevich (1972 -1974yy.). The first head of the department of "Organic Chemistry" - Dr. Tulyaganov Sobir Rahmatullayevich (1972-1990 yy.). In 1990 departments "Analytical Chemistry" and "Organic Chemistry" united to form the Department "General and bioinorganic chemistry." Department managed professor Khakimov Khodi Khakimovich  (1974-1997). From 1997 to 1998 the head of the Department was Professor Akbarov Abdurafik Bahramovich. From 1998 to 2002 Professor Sultanov Rustam Gulyamovich , from 2002 to 2005, c.ch Alimhodjaeva Tillahodjaevna Nazira, from 2005 to 2009 headed the Department of Uzbekistan Academic of ASRuz Ta’lat Saatovich Saatov

Heads of department

1.Yuldashev A. - 1972 - 1974yy

2. Khakimov H.H - 1974 - 1997yy

3. Tulaganov S.R - 1972 - 1990 yy

4. Akbarov A.A - 1997 - 1998 yy

5. Sultanov R.G - 1998 - 2002 yy

6. Alimhodjaeva N.T 2002 - 2005 yy

7. Saatov T.S 2005 - 2009 yy

8. Yuldashev N.M from 2009 to present

The first head of the department "Analytical Chemistry" was c.ch Yuldashev Arip Yuldashevich (1972-1974yy) Arip Yuldashevich was born in 1934, the Kazakh nationality, engineer technologist,c.ch.In 1956 graduated from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. In 1971-1973 yy headed of the department of the "Analytical Chemistry". In 1962 he defended his thesis on "Research for the receipt of phosphorus curing polyesters." Published more than 70 scientific articles, two of the textbooks " Chemistry of Polymers", "Organic Chemistry", 8 monographs and 13copyright certificates. YULDASHEV ARIF YULDASHEVICH ipg

The first head of the department of "Organic Chemistry" was Prof. Tulaganov Sobir Rahmatullayevich. Sobir Rahmatullayevich was born in 1932, ethnic Uzbeks, Prof. He graduat  TashkentStateUniversity. In 1962 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Synthesis N - amino alcohols containing a vinyl group." Under the direction of S.R Tulaganov reserved 5 PhD theses. TULAGANOV SOBIR RAXMATULAEVICH ipg


 The Departments «Analytical chemistry» and «Organic chemistry» joined in 1990 year and formed the Department of «General and bioinorganic chemistry».  Khakimov Khodi Khakimovich headed the Department (1974-1997 years). Khakimov Khodi Khakimovich was born in 1927 , nationality is Uzbek, associate Professor of chemical Sciences. In 1951 year he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1974-1989 years he headed the Department of «General and bioinorganic chemistry». In 1978-1983 years he worked as the Dean of the preparatory faculty. In 1960 year he defended his candidate thesis on the subject: “Complex compounds of salts ferrous and trivalent cobalt with aminobenzoic acid and its derivatives, also with vitamin B1 and vitamin C”. In 1972 year he defended his doctoral thesis on the subject: “Complex compounds of some 3d-ions with bioligands”. During the whole of the scientific-pedagogical activity KH.KH. Khakimov has published more than 120 scientific articles, 1 textbook, 2 monographs, 40 certificates of authorship and 7 patents. XAKIMOV XODI HAKIMOVICH. ipg


Akbarov Abdurafik Bakhromovich was born in 1954 , nationality is Uzbek, associate Professor of chemical Sciences. In 1976 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. He was an assistant of the Department of «Inorganic chemistry» of the TashPMI in 1976-1982 years. In 1982-1991years he was teacher of training courses in Chemistry. Since 1991 Professor and head of the Department of «Medical chemistry». In 1984  year  he defended his candidate's thesis on a theme: “Synthesis and investigation of complex compounds of some 3-valence  metals with vitamin U and ketoglutaric acid.” In 1990 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme: “Synthesis and investigation of complex compounds of 3 -valence  metals with amino acids and their off I-substituted derivatives and α- ketoglutaric acid” In 1976-1978 years A.B. Akbarov worked as Deputy Chairman of the trade Union Committee, 1994-1996 years he worked as head of the test centre. A.B. Akbarov has published more than 320 scientific articles , he is co-author of a number of educational - methodical works. 158 copyright certificates, 2 textbooks and 7 patents are from them. AKBAROV ABDURAFIQ BAHROMOVICH.ipg


Alimkhodjaeva Nazira Tillakhodjaevna was born in 1948 , she is Uzbek, candidate of chemical Sciences, the senior lecturer. In 1971 she graduated from the TashkentStateUniversity. In 1975-1996 years she was an assistant of the Department of «Inorganic chemistry» of  TashPMI. In 1993 – 1999 years he worked as a Secretary scientist of the Board of the faculty of the 1-Pediatrics, In 1982 defended her candidate's thesis on a theme: “Synthesis and research of coordination compounds of 3d - ions with some amino acids, amides acids”. In 1996 -2002years she was associate Professor of the Department «General and Bioorganic chemistry».In 2002-2005 years she was the head of the Department of «General and Bioorganic chemistry». At the present  time Alimkhodjaeva Nazira Tillakhodjaevna manages the course «Bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry». During the whole of the scientific and pedagogical activity of  Alimkhodjaeva Nazira Tillakhodjaevna had published more than 300 scientific articles and theses, 2 textbooks, 2 educational manuals and more than 30 teaching - methodica manuals. She is a member of the Academic Council of the 1st faculty of Pediatrics TashPMI, a member of the problem of the Commission medico-biological Sciences, a member of TSMs TashPMI. ALIMXODJAEVA NAZIRA TILLAXODJAEVNA. ipg

Yuldashev Nasirdjan Mukhamedjanovich from 2009 till now he is a head of the Department of «Biological, bioinorganic and Bioorganic chemistry». Specialty – biologis , teacher of biology and chemistry. Specialization - biochemistry of human and animals. Academic degree - doctor of biological Sciences (1998y). He defended dissertation in 1988 at the Institute of biochemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent on the topic: «Monooxygenase enzyme system of the liver in experimental myocardial infarction». Doctoral thesis defended in 1997 at the Institute of biochemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Tashkent on the topic: «the Relationship monooxygenase enzyme system of the liver with the degree of ischemic cardiac  muscle in the dynamics of experimental myocardial infarction». The academic title of Professor (2005y).He is author of 5 educational manuals, 130 articles, 12 training manuals and circulars, 4 patents, 3 Rats. prepositions. He has prepared 3 candidates of Sciences. Participated in the formation of and was a member of pathophysiological society of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was the best Professor 2- TashpMI and up to 2012year  he was the scientific Secretary of the joint specialized Council D   087.09.02. He’s received the individual grant of Soros Foundation. At the moment is the leader of the grant project АДСС 30.3, a member of the Academic Council of the TashPMI, a member of the Council of the 1st faculty of Pediatrics TashPMI, a member of the problem of the Commission medico-biological disciplines TashPMI, a member of the ed. College of cardiology of Uzbekistan, the expert of the Ministry of health and Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the expert of textbooks and educational-methodical manual of Ministry of higher education. YULDASHEV N.M. ipg

Employees of the Department constantly carry out scientific research. In 2009, assistant Suleymanova, defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of chemical Sciences. In 2012, the assistant Ikramov defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of technical Sciences.