Yuldashev Nasirdzhan Muhamedzhanovich
From 2009 to present - Head of the department.
Degree - Doctor of Biological Sciences (1998).
Academic title - Professor.

Saatov Talat Saatovich
From 2009 to present - Professor of the department.
Degree - Doctor of Biological Sciences (1974).
Academic title - Academician of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Karimova Shoira Fathullaevna
From 1994 to present - Associate Professor of the department.
Degree - PhD (1984).
Academic rank - associate professor.

Ziyamutdinova Zukhra Kayumovna
From 2000 to present - Associate Professor of the department.
Degree - PhD (1995).
Academic rank - associate professor.

Khaibullina Zarina Ruslanovna
Since 2008 - Associate Professor of the department.
From 2014 to present - Professor of the Department.
Degree - Doctor of Medicine (2012).
Academic rank - associate professor.

Akbarhodzhaeva Khurshid Nadzhimiddinovna
From 2008 to present - Associate Professor of the department.
Degree - Candidate of Biological Sciences (2006).
Academic rank - associate professor.

Ismailova Gulzira Orinbayevna
From 2012 to present - Associate Professor of the department.
Degree - Candidate of Chemical Sciences (2000).
Academic rank - associate professor.

Nishantaev Mahamatzhon Koshmetovich
Since 2010 - Assistant of the Department.
From 2015 to present - Associate Professor of the Department.
Degree - Candidate of Biological Sciences (2006).