a conference in Samarkand
a conference in Samarkand
Participation of the department staff at a conference in Samarkand.

School visits
School visits
in 240 schools in the Yunusabad district of Tashkent

Cited by scientific staff members
Cited by scientific staff members
The works of 12 members of the department in Google Scholar are cited. The total quoting of the staff of the department in the Google Scholar Academy was 132 articles.

The best professor
The best professor
The head of the department, professor “Public Health Organization and Healthcare Management” Iskandarova Shakhnoza Tulkinovna today in the Republic of Uzbekistan won 2nd place in the nomination “The best professor” in the competition “The best doctor of the year”.

Health News
Health News
Alonur Bakhtinurovich Saidov was appointed director of the Republican Center for Blood Transfusion.