Head of the Course

Akhrarov Habibullah Hamidullaevich

Reader of department physiology
Employee internal inspection institute

Reader of department physiology

Abdumadjidov Abdulhai Abdulkhakovich

MD Associate Professor, department of pharmacology and physiology

Reader of department physiology

Askaryants Vera Petrovna

Responsible for the scientific work of the department

Senior Lecturer

Babadjanova Feruza Abdumalikovna

Senior lecturer of the Department of Physiology, senior curator

Assistant of department phiziology

Pazylova Sevara Bakievna

Shop steward department

Assistant of the Department of Physiology

Kamalova Zilola Mirsabitovna

Assistant of the Department of Physiology, responsible for the website and scopus

Assistant of the Department of Physiology

Akbarova Muruvvat Sabirovna

Responsible for spiritual and moral work