

While testing the entrants are made the next demands:

  • After taking the title page, the book of questions and the sheet of answers the entrant checks up carefully the questions on each subject.
  • If there are any typographic errors or mistakes the entrant must tell the room’s head about it and must get another new book of questions and answers (if the entrant doesn’t inform about shortages to 900 a.m. the claim will not be satisfied).
  • The family name, name and patronymic are written in questions’ book, and then it signed;
  • After that the entrant reads attentively the instruction “For entrant’s attention”, and he must follow the given rules. Then he matches variants in questions book and sheet of answers. The entrant copies corresponding places of variants’ numbers and number sheet of answers in the title page;
  • At coloring on sheet of answers the entrant must use only ball pen with blue color. It is forbidden to use marker, ink autopen and gel pen;
  • The entrant copies his data in sheet of answers from the title page and signs it;
  • The entrant transfers to corresponding number of sheet of answers from the title page the code of specialty to corresponding boxes in pass sheet: series and number of passport, special code, the code, then the entrant colors corresponding circles;
  • From the blackboard the family name, name and patronymic of the head and observer of the room are copied in the title page and pass;
  • The answers on each subject can be marked in necessary place. The applicant passing testing in foreign languages must color the circles according to the foreign language and so on.
  • For each task of the testing only one answer is colored. If the entrant will mark two or more answers to one question it is error, and he has no mark.
  • For the answer to 108 questions the entrant is separated 3 hours, to 72 questions it is 2 hours.
  • The order of search the correct answer is free .It is very important the entrant to transfer the chosen answer to the sheet of answers without mistakes. For this the extra time for testing is 20 minutes;
  • The filled in sheet of answers is the main documents for evaluation entrant’s knowledge;
  • The entrant is responsible himself for correct filling in sheet of answers;
  • The pretensions of the entrants, having incorrect corresponding circles in the sheet of answers, changing the sheet of answers, coloring changes of subjects blocks, not having on the corresponding sheet of answers their family names, names, patronymic, code of educational institution, special code, choosing code, series and number of passport, having no coloring circles are not considered;
  • While testing it is forbidden to go out from the room. Those who went out, are not allowed to come back again in the room;
  • If the entrant takes micro calculator, dictionary, table, book, mobile, means of link and cribs and at testing passes materials of tests to another entrant, or he helps others and also having other negative activities, are considered as being broken the rules of testing order, and he is removed and the special document is made up;
  • If the entrant finishes his testing ahead of time he will give his book of questions, sheet of answers and title page to the head of the room, he writes the time of finishing the testing opposite his family name in the list of the entrants and sits at his place. If he tries to help anybody or makes problem, this entrant is removed from testing and the according document (act) is made up and it is taken into his sheet of answers.
  • The entrant has the right to address to the head of the room on breaking rules at testing time;
  • If it is determined that the book questions was torn, it is considered that the rules of testing are broken and the entrant is removed from them. The document (act) is made up and it is sticked up in the sheet of answers;
  • The sheet of answers are not read and he is not given points;
  • The entrant participating in testing can offer his suggestions on testing process in the room.

After finishing testing time (1220 p.m.,1120 a.m.) the head of the room declares on ending the testing. All testing materials of the entrants: book of questions, sheet of answers and title page are collected by the head and observer. At that time the entrants are sitting at their places. The entrants having passed testing in time their papers in definite order are collected, the document (act) is made up and sticked up in the sheet of answers.

The head of the room and observer count the number of testing material and put them in the box: two entrants make signature in given place on the by the form. The given faculty receives 30 students including: 10 students on state grant base, 20 students on center contract base. By the passed testing in STC (DTM) the Commission on citizens’ problems is organized.

The responsible employers of State Testing Centre and experts on subjects enter the Commission. The applicant can address in written form to Commission for one month from the day of declared results. His application must be considered during 10 days (the pretensions of applicants from military educational institutions are considered at presence of the entrant’s parents who present and prove the person and document).The entrant must come to commission at appointed time with the passport and pass.

While considering application the entrant is given the sheet of answers together with book questions, those are in the test. By the results of applications consideration the minutes is made up, and it is signed by the numbers of commission and the entrant.

Information on commission’s conclusion is presented to State Commission on entering the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The applicant can have right to address to higher on the occasion of protection his rights to the higher standing organizations.