the first course is learning the basics of studying
the first course is learning the basics of studying
Students freshmen begin their first steps in the institute, master the basics of the educational process.

The new study year
The new study year
The students of the direction "Higher Nursing" started their studies in the new 2018-2019 academic year on the improved Qualification Requirements and the curriculum

"Emergency obstetric care" training seminar
"Emergency obstetric care" training seminar
Emergency obstetric care is one of the most urgent problems of medicine.

best students
best students
3rd year student of department of Higher Nursing Alimova Mehribon for excellent study and participation in student scientific work awarded a scholarship named after Professor S.Dalimov

WHO experts of the midwifery education visited TashPMI
WHO experts of the midwifery education visited TashPMI
WHO experts of the midwifery education visited TashPMI