The spiritual heritage of our ancestors is sacred

On February 12, 2019, an event dedicated to the 678th anniversary of Alisher Navoi and the birthday of the poet Zakhiriddin Muhammad Bobur, organized by the department for work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment, and the department of Uzbek, Russian and Latin languages ​​of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute took place.

The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Youth TashPMI M.A. Akhmedov, methodologists of the department for work with young people, spirituality and enlightenment of N.M.Nurmetov, D.Kh.Hikmatullaev, as well as professors-teachers of the Uzbek, Russian and Latin languages ​​and students. At the event, gifted students of the medical-pedagogical and medical faculty organized a creative performance.
