Alisher Sharipov
MD, Professor Alisher M. Sharipov, 1959 year of birth, on department works since 1993, since 2003 as the Head of the department.

Zukhra Umarova
Professor Umarova Zuhra Sultanovna, 1948 year of birth. Has been working in the department since 1993, founder the department. Since 2003 the adviser the professor of department.

Roza Dzubatova
The professor Dzhubatova R. S, 1956 year of birth. Has been working in the department since 1993. The professor of department since 2006. Coordinator of work of magistr students.

Rustam Gulyamov
Senior lecturer Guljamov Rustam Omonovich, 1954 year of birth, the senior lecturer of department since 1994. The head doctor of the Tashkent city infectious diseases hospital #3.

Akhmataliyeva Mayram Akhmataliyevna
Senior lecturerб PhD, Akhmatalieva Mayram Akhmatalievna, 1950 year of birth, the senior lecturer of the department since 2003 and provides practical lessons to students in the Tashkent city ambulance station.

Shaikramov Shoilyos Shorasulovich
Lecturer (assistant) Shaikramov Shoilyos Shorasulovich, 1968 year of birth, works in the department since 1993.

Khamzayev Komiljon Amirovich
Senior lecturer, PhD, Khamzayev Komiljon Amirovich, 1973 year of birth, has been working in department since 2001.
Mamatkulov Bahrom Bosimovich
Assistant Mamatkulov Bahrom Bosimovich, 1971 year of birth, the assistant to department since 2007.
Ismailova Shoira Tokhtamuratovna
Was born in 1975. Shoira Ismailova graduated from Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in 1998, Graduated from Clinical Residency in the State Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics (speciality Neonatology ) in 2001. 2001-2015 the Research Assistant at the Department of rehabilitation of newborns and infant of the State Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics . UNICEF National trainer in “Breastfeeding” and “Integrated management of children`s age diseases” programme

Safarov Zafar Fayzullaevich
Lecturer (assistant) Safarov Zafar Fajzullaevich, 1974 year of birth, the assistant to department since 2003.