Abdullaeva Vasila Karimbekovna
Since 2003 She works in the Department of Psychiatry, narcology and children psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2004 She was transferred to the staff of associate professor, since 2006 has been working as head of the department. She is a member of the Faculty Council, the Academic Council of the Institute and a member of the Republican public expert council on psychiatry. She is a supervisor of master student on directions "Psychiatry" and "Medical psychology". Is the chairman of city forensic-psychiatric examination, the chairman of the medical commission at Tashkent the Republic to an insane hospital with intensive observation of MZ of RUB of the doctor - the psychiatrist of the highest category.
vasila.abdullaeva@tashpmi.uz Ph.: + 998 71 291-13-45

Khodjayeva Nazira Islamovna
Since 2012, he is a professor at the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Insitute. The director of the magistracy in the direction of "medical psychology". In 2017, under her supervision, 3 doctoral dissertations were defended.
Sulejmanov Sunnatilla Raximovich
Since 1978 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy. Since 1996 is the senior teacher of chair. The psychiatry at students 5, 6 courses conducts cyclic employment in a subject. Is the chief specialist on children's psychiatry of Min.of.H RUz, the chairman of city public advisory council on psychiatry, the chairman of City judicial-psychiatric examination. Psychiatrist of the highest category.
Sharipov Farida Kamilovna
Since 1990 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. The psychiatry at students 5, 6 courses and МВО 2 course conducts cyclic employment in a subject. Is responsible chair on study and responsible chair on clinical internship. In 2010 has protected the master's thesis on a theme «Mental ontogenesis at children who have transferred congenital transient hypothyroidism in the period newborns ».
Ahmedov Sandzhar Akbarovich
Since 2007 works as the associate professor to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. In 2011 it is translated on a post of the senior lecturer of chair. The psychiatry at students 5, 6 courses conducts cyclic employment in a subject. In 2006 has protected the master's thesis on a theme "Features and preventive maintenance of socially-dangerous actions at intellectual backwardness". Is a member of City judicial-psychiatric examination.
Babarahimova Sajora Borievna
Has ended TashPMI in 1992, with 1992 for 1993 passed internship on the basis of chair of psychiatry of TashPMI. Worked as the doctor-neuropsychiatrist in a specialised speech logopedic kindergarten. Since 1994 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. In 2010 has passed a psychotherapy course at TashIUV. Is responsible on medical work of chair.
Matveyeva Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
He ended the Tashkent Pediatric medical institute in 2009, in 2010 - a magistracy on a speciality "The medical psychology". Since 2013 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. «The medical psychologyand psychotherapy" spends a practical training in a subject.
Iskandarova Zhanneta Muхtarovna
In 1996 has ended TashPMI. In 2003 has passed specialisation in narcology at TashIUV. Worked as the doctor the expert in narcology in private clinic, the doctor-psychiatrist in RCPhC. Since 2008 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute.
In 2006 has finished бакалавриатуру to TashPMI and 2010 has finished a magistracy on a speciality "psychiatry". In 2011-2013 was trained on the international educational program Erasmus Mundus, Spain. Is the head of department of international contacts of TashPMI. Now works over a dissertation theme «Clinical aspects of formation терапевтически resistant depressions at frustration of the person and therapy optimisation» on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD)
E-mail: sabir.nurkhodjaev@tashpmi.uz Ph.: + 998 71 291-13-45
Nasirov Abdulaziz Axmatullaevich
His ended the Tashkent Pediatric medical institute in 2011, in 2014 - a magistracy on a speciality " Medical psychology". Since 2014 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. «The medical psychology», "psychotherapy" spends a practical training in a subject. Is the head of the Union of youth of TashPMI.
Shaikramov Shoolim Shaabduraxmanovich
His ended the Tashkent Pediatric medical institute in 2011, in 2015 - a magistracy on a speciality "The medical psychology". Since 2015 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. «The medical psychologyand psychotherapy" spends a practical training in a subject.
Rogov Aleksey Vladimirovich
On 2012 graduated Bachelor degree of TashPMI and 2015 graduated Master degree on specialization Psychiatry in TashPMI. Since 2015 he is an assistant of Department. Teaching for 5,6 courses students on subject psychiatry.
Tuychiev Sherzad Tairovich
His ended the Tashkent medical akademiya in 2011, in 2016 - a magistracy on a speciality "The medical psychology". Since 2016 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. "The medical psychology and psychotherapy" spends a practical training in a subject.
Saidalixodjaeva Dilnoza Gafurdjanovna
Graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric medical institute in 2009, in 2012 - a magistrutura "Psychiatry". Since 2012 works as the assistant to department of psychiatry, addictology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. Gives a practical training in the subject "Psychiatry".
Irmuxammedov Temur Baxodirovich
His ended the Tashkent Pediatric medical institute in 2012, in 2015 - a magistracy on a speciality "Psychiatry". Since 2016 works as the assistant to chair of psychiatry, narcology and children's psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute. «Psychiatry" spends a practical training in a subject.
Abbasova Dilorom Sadiritdivna
In 2012 she graduated from TashPMI. In 2012-2015 she was trained in the magistracy at the Department of Psychiatry, Addictions and Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy of TashPMI, specializing in Medical Psychology. In 2017, she underwent a course of psychotherapy at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at TashIASD. In 2018 she passed a specialization in psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy under TashIASD. Since 2018 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Conducts practical classes on the subject "Psychiatry".

Sultonova Kamola Bahodirovna
In 2015 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2015-2018 she was trained in the magistracy at the Department of Psychiatry, Addictions and Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy TashPMI, specializing in Medical Psychology. In 2018 she passed a specialization in psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy under TashIASD. Since 2018 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Child Psychiatry, Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Conducts practical classes on the subject "Psychiatry".