The manager of chair

Zokirov Yorqin Uzievich

Was born February, 06th, 1966 in the city of Tashkent. Has higher education.d.m.s.,professor.

Tel: +998(71)262-01-69

The senior lecturer of chair

Begmanov Sattar Amanovich

Was born on February, 14th, 1968 in the Tashkent region. Has higher education.k.m.s.,associate professor.

Tel: +998(71) 262-01-69

The assistant chairs

Abidova Nilufar Asatullaevna

Was born on April, 11th, 1972 in the city of Tashkent. Has higher education.

Tel: +998(71) 262-01-69


Khakimova Gulnoza Ahadillaevna

Was born on June, 29th, 1976 in the city of Tashkent. Has higher education. Tel: +998 (71) 262-01-69


Umarkhodjaeva Gulnorakhon Muxammadkhon qizi

Assistent of department Khodjaeva Gulnorakhon Muxammadkhon qizi.The was born in 30.06.1991. Works of the department since 2018 year.


Bakhramova Nodira Akramovna

She was born in 1990 on February 4 in Tashkent. 2015 graduated from the Bachelor's Degree TashPMI in the direction of pediatric medicine. 2017 graduated from clinical residency in Pediatrics. 2017-2018 worked as a pediatrician as a consultant. Since 2018 she has been working as an assistant at the Chair of PATHOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY.


Talibnazarova Dildora Dilshatovna

Talibnazarova Dildora Dilshatovna born in 1986,in Tashkent.Has higher education, neonatologist-resuscitator.2018 assistant of the Department.


Tulyganov Dilmurod Rustamovich

Tulyaganov Dilmurod Rustamovich was born 08.08.1988 year in the city of Tashkent. Have higher education.2016 g graduated from the TMA master's degree in morphology (normal and pathological physiology)

 Tel: +998(71) 262-01-69

Assistant professor

Irgashev Mahmud Kabuldjanovich

Irgashev Mahmud Kabuldjanovich was born in 1947.