To students

Neurosurgery with children's neurosurgery.

The main base of the Department of Neurosurgery is located in the Republican Scientific Neurosurgical Center. The department is located on the 4th and 6th floors. The 4th floor belongs to the department of the magistracy and consists of 3 moderator rooms, a room for masters and a room designed for the senior laboratory assistant. On the 6th floor there are 3 study rooms and assistant. All the study rooms are equipped with educational recommendations, handouts and demonstration banners. The department trains masters and bachelors according to the approved schedule and rotation. Also, the department actively participates in the therapeutic and spiritual-educational activities of the Center for Neurosurgery. Bachelors and masters have the opportunity to enrich themselves not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical knowledge, participate and observe medical work, study medical history, participate in general hospital examinations of diseases of the nervous system. Also, bachelors are present at operations, and magisters are able to participate in operations as assistant neurosurgeons.

Traumatology and orthopedics.

Students of the 4th and 6th year of the medical-pedagogical faculty under the subject "Traumatology and Orthopedics", students of the 5th year of the pediatric faculty in the subject "children's traumatology and orthopedics" attend the training at the department. The chair is located in the building of the clinic TashPMI on the 2 nd floor. In addition, there are training bases that are located in 2-GDKBB, the Republican Center of Pediatric Orthopedics, as well as in the Regional Multiprofile Hospital.