Buzrukov Batir Tulkunovich
Buzrukov Batir Tulkunovich was born in 1960 in the Tashkent region. In 1984 he graduated Middle Asian Medical Pediatric Institute. Now - about 22.10.2009 years he has been managing the department of Ophthalmology, children's ophthalmology of TashPMI, main children's ophthalmologist of the Republic. The general experience of job - 27 years, Pedagogical – 26.
Contact information: Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40 Email: botir.1960@mail.ru
Babadjanova Lola Djanonovna
Babadjanova Lola Djanonovna was born in 1964 in the Tashkent. In 1987 she graduated Middle Asian Medical Pediatric Institute. Since 2001 she is senior lecturer of the department. She is a moderator of 1 course of residents of master`s degree department. The general experience of job - 25 years, Pedagogical-23.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40 Email: lola.janonovna@mail.ru
Hamraeva Lola Salimovna
Hamraeva Lola Salimovna was born in 1967 in Bukhara region. In 1990 she graduated Tashkent State Medical Institute. Since 2004 she is the senior lecturer of department. The general experience of job experience - 23 years, pedagogical-15.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40 Email: lolasalimovna@mail.ru
Zokirhodjaeva Dilorom Asrarovna
Zokirhodjaeva Dilorom Asrarovna was born in 1964 in Tashkent. In 1987she graduated Middle Asian Medical Pediatric Institute. Since 1991 she has been working as the assistant in department. The general experience of her job - 27 years, Pedagogical-25.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40
Kariev Abdufarrukh Varisovich
Kariev Abdufarruh Varisovich was born in 1977 in Tashkent region. He graduated Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute In 2001. Since 2004 he has working as the assistant at the department. General experience of his job experience - 13 years, pedagogical - 11.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40 Email: doctor_farruh_k@mail.ru
Turakulova Dilfuza Muhiddinovna
Turakulova Dilfuza Muhiddinovna was born in 1975 in Tashkent. In 1998 she graduated Tashkent State Medical Institute. Since 2011 has working as the assistant on department of Ophthalmology of TashPMI. On department she is responsible for scientific job. Pedagogical skill- 5 years.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40
Iskandarova Malika Alisherovna
Iskandarova Malika Alisherovna was born in 1977 in Tashkent. In 2001 she graduated the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Since 2003 she has working as the assistant in the department of Ophthalmology of TashPMI. She is the main curator at the department. The general experience of her job - 13 years, Pedagogical - 13.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40

Karimova Dinara Batirovna
Assistant Karimova Dinara Batirovna was born in 1987 in Tashkent She graduated Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute In 2011. Since 2014 he has working as the assistant at the department of Ophthalmology of TashPMI. On department she is responsible on curator maintenance.
Contact information:
Tashkent 700140. Yunus-Abad region, Bogishamol street 223.
Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40
Assistant Boboha Lyubava Yurevna
Boboha Lyubava Yurevna was born in 1979 in Tashkent. In 2011 she graduated Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. She got master’s degree in the department of Ophthalmology, children's ophthalmology of TashPMI. Since 2015 she has working at the department. The general experience of job - 3 years, Pedagogical – 1.
Contact information: Phone: 8(371) 260-32-40 Email: lubavaboboha1979@mail.ru

Makhmudova Dilorom Teshaevna
Assistant Mahmudova Dilorom Teshaevna was born in 1979 in Tashkent. She graduated Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute In 2005. In 2003 he finished clinical residency at the department of Ophthalmology of TashPMI. Since 2005 she has working as the assistant at the department of Ophthalmology of TashPMI.
Contact information: Phone: +99871- 260-32-40
Email: dts_2005@bk.ru

Khamroeva Yulduz Abdurashidovna
Khamroeva Yulduz Abdurashidovna was born in Tashkent in 1982. In 2006 she graduated Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2009 she honored MD in specialty of “Ophthalmology, children ophthalmology”. From 2009 to 2011 she worked as ophthalmologists in central polyclinic of Yunusabad region of Tashkent. Since 2017 she has been working at the chair of Ophthalmology, children ophthalmology of TPMI. She is responsible for scientific society of students. She is author of one invention with a patent, one monograph, 12 articles and 7 theses

Tashmuhamedov Aziz Azadillaevich
Tashmuhamedov Aziz Azadillaevich was born in 1989 in Tashkent. In 2013 he graduated Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2016 he honored MD in specialty of “Ophthalmology, children ophthalmology”. Since 2016 he has been working at the chair of Ophthalmology, children ophthalmology of TPMI.