Tadjiev Botir Mirhashimovich
Tadjiev Botir Mirhashimovich was born June 27, 1971 inTashkent.
From 2010 is the Head of the Department " of pediatric infectious diseases ." He graduated the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in 1994.
MD, Professor
Umarov Toir Usmonovich
Was born April 18, 1957 in Tashkent. 1974-1980 y student in MAMPI
In 1993 he defended his thesis. From 1996 to this day an assistant professor.
Since 2004 he is responsible for years of experience, the deputy . Dean 4- 5th course in TashPMI

Yusupov Abzal Sabirovich
Was born June 24, 1959. In Tashkent region. 1978-1984 student in college - AMPI. In 2002 he defended his thesis .
At the department responsible for the spiritual and moral activity.
Ibragimova Xolida Nabievna
Was born November 22, 1950 in Tashkent. 1967 - 1973 y student in Middle Asia Medical Pediatric Institute.
39 years teaching experience. At the department is responsible for the learning process.
Rixsieva Gulnora Maxamadjanovna
Was born June 3, 1962 in Tashkent.
From 2000 - 2014 years in TashPMI assistant at the Department.
In 2012 she defended her thesis , At the department is responsible for the magistracy.

Daminova Malika Nasirovna
Was born 8. 10 . 1946 in Fergana .
Since 1990 and to this day is an assistant professor of " Children of infectious diseases ."
On the department is a moderator 3 graduate students of the course.
Alieva Gulchexra Rixsievna
Was born April 27, 1948 in Tashkent. From 1966 to 1972, a student at the TSMI .
From 1997 to this day an assistant professor in TashPMI. At the department is responsible for the clinical work .

Mirismailov Mirxamid Maxmudovich
Was born September 18, 1958 in the Tashkent .1975-1981 y student in Asian Medical Pediatric Institute
In 1990 he defended his thesis in Leningrad. At the department responsible for the SSS .
Rashidov Fazliddin Abdumalikovich
Year of birth: 1969 March 26 , Tash.oblast . in 1992 graduated from Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute .
In 1995 he defended his thesis.
Maksudova Lola Erkinovna
Was born May 6, 1967 . In the Tashkent. 1984 - 1990 y student in 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute.
From 2002 to the present day assistant of Pediatric Infectious Diseases .

Agzamova Tursunoy Abdulxaevna
The Assistant professor of department - was born in 1948 in the Tashkent. Education the supreme.

Xalikova Shoxista Abduraxmanovna
Was born July 21, 1972 in Tashkent. 1990 -1996 y student in Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.
At the department responsible for the curatorial work.
Abdullaeva Osuda Ibragimovna
Was born in 1946 inTashkent. Teaches classes on the basis of infectious hospital № 4. At the department is responsible for the sanitary aviation , as well as the moderator of the 1st year graduate students

Alimov Miralisher Mirziyadovich
The student in TashPMI was born 28.04.1985 2004-2011. At department responsible for the website of department.

Axmerov Ilyas Erikovich
Was born 25.01.1985 years in Tashkent. 2002-2009 the student in TashPMI.

Maxmudov Umarali Usmonovich
Was born 1975 years in Kashkadarya. 1993-2001 the student in TashPMI.

Fayziyev Baxrom Odiljonovich
The student in TashPMI was born 04.10.1986 2004-2011.

Xasanova Guzal Anarmatovna
Was born September 15, 1990 in Republic of Kazakhstan. 2008 -2015 y student in Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

Akramova Iroda Abroljonovna
The student in TashPMI was born 02.10.1990 2006-2014