About the course

The course of hematology has been reanimated in 1999 under the direction of M. A. Nadjimitdinova senior lecture, by order of № 157 from 22 May by initiative of rector of TashPMI professor Alimov A.V. Course was created in department № 3 of children’s illnesses. Thanks to Pashkovskiy E. V. was prepared army of the most talented doctors of our Native Land, like as Abdullahodjaev M. S., Bodnya I. A. etc. At the beginning base of hematology course was Institute of Hematology and blood transfusions. Where according to the order of minister of health care of Uzbekistan professor Nazirov F. G. was given 5 lectures rooms for the studying process. There was signed agreement between the TashPMI and NIIGandPK MZ UZ. The studying process was prepared for students of 5,6,7 courses 1 and 2 pediatrician and medico-pedagogical faculties. Also was created the contest of accepting for their further education in field of Hematology and Transfusiology. Since 1999 till 2007 the hematology course was in the same base, where students got theoretical knowledge with the help of modern library, practical lections and by using knowledge’s of authorities as Bahramov S. M.- founder professor of hematology, professor Turaev A.T.- founder in children’s hematology, professor Buglanov A.A.- founder of laboratory case, professor Nadjimitdinova O. M.- founder of immunology. From 2007 to our days the base was located from TasPMI to Nefrological center of and 54 family clinic in Yunus-Abbad district. At the moment we make for students of TashPMI day of practical lessons by showing the patients on base of Hematology and Transfusiology Scientific Research Institute according to agreement.