Ishankulov Artikbay
Ishankulov Artikbay was born at 28.08. 1949 of the Jizzakh region. specialty-doctor epidemiologist, graduated from the Tashkent Medical Institute in 1972.
Ishankulov Artikbay
Ishankulov Artikbay was born at 28.08. 1949 of the Jizzakh region. specialty-doctor epidemiologist, graduated from the Tashkent Medical Institute in 1972.

Sharipova Madina Karimovna
Sharipova Madina Karimovna was born in 1952. graduated from the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute 1974, majoring in pediatrics
Sharipova Madina Karimovna
Sharipova Madina Karimovna was born in 1952. graduated from the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute 1974, majoring in pediatrics

Senior Assistant
Boboniyazov Kamiljan Kuranbayevich
Boboniyazov Komiljon Kuranbaevich was born on April 16, 1959 in the Kharezm region. specialty-pediatrician doctor, graduated from the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute in 1989.
Boboniyazov Kamiljan Kuranbayevich
Boboniyazov Komiljon Kuranbaevich was born on April 16, 1959 in the Kharezm region. specialty-pediatrician doctor, graduated from the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute in 1989.

Bosimov Muxammadjon Shukrillayevich
Bosimov Muxammadjon Shukrillayevich was born on 1.09.1970 in the Djizak region. Specialty-doctor pediatrician, geneticist; graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in 1994.
Bosimov Muxammadjon Shukrillayevich
Bosimov Muxammadjon Shukrillayevich was born on 1.09.1970 in the Djizak region. Specialty-doctor pediatrician, geneticist; graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in 1994.