Madjidova Yokuthon Nabievna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Euro-Asian Academy of Medical Sciences, Madjidova Y.N. is the head of the Department of Neurology, Child Neurology, and honey. Genetics Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

Sadikova Gulchehra Kabulovna
At present - Professor, is chair of neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics TashPMI from 1991-2012. Degree: Doctor of Medicine in 1990. Academic title - a professor in 1992.

Nurmuhamedova Muhlisa Anvarovna
Academic degree: PhD in 2005. At present - Assistant Professor of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics TashPMI sinse 2010.

Maksudova Hurshida Nabievna
From 2005 she worked as assistant in Toshkent Medical Instituti. She has worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Neurology, child neurology and medical genetic in TashPMI sinse 2012.

Halilova Alie Emirasanovna
At present - Assistant professor at the Department of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics TashPMI sinse 2009, Head of children's neurological department clinics TashPMI. Academic degree: PhD sinse 2007.

Ziyahodjaeva Latofat Uchkunovna
At present - Assistant Professor of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics TashPMI since 2014. Academic degree: PhD in 2005.

Tadjiev Mirhotam Mirhoshimovich
He graduated TashPMI in 1999. At present - Assistant of Neurology, Child Neurology and Medical Genetics sinse 2004. Head of the department of adult neurology clinic TashPMI since 2009.

Abdumavlyanova Nodira Abdurashidovna
From 1985 he was head of the Department of Child Neurology and part-time teaching in the department. Since 1997, he has been an assistant the department of neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics. From 2005 - taught masters.

Azimova Nodira Mirvositovna
Now is an assistant of the department "Neurology and the Child Neurology, the medical genetics" TashPMI. In 2011, under the direction of Professor G.K. Sadykova defended her thesis and earned a PhD.

Kim Olga Vladislavovna
She entered the TashPMI in 1993. From 2000 to 2002 she studied in Clinical residency of neurology at the Department of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics TashPMI.Since 2002 she has been working as the assistant of the department.

Hamidova Nodira Abdujabbarovna
From 2001 to 2003. studied in clinical internship at the Department of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics TashPMI. Since 2003 he has been working in this department as an assistant of the department.

Usmanov Saidalim Ahrolovich
He graduated TashPMI in 2002, and in the same year he entered the magistrate specialty "child neurology." At present he has worked as an Assistant of The Department of Neurology, Child Neurology TashPMI sinse 2005.

Nosirova Dilfuza Shovkatovna
She entered Magister course to Neurology, children neurology medical-genetic. She graduated in 2008. Then she was accede to this department as a assistant. Now she is working at this department as an assistant.

Saidhodjaeva Saida Nabievna
In 2010 Received Master's degree in" pediatric neurologist". Since September 2013 Assistant of the Department "Neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics".
Usmanova Durdona Djurabaevna
In 2003 graduated from the I TashMI. In 2009 she defended her PhD. Thesis of titled: “Clinico-neuroimmunologic characteristic of diabetic encephalopathy and methods of therapy optimization”. Since 2014 has been working as assistant of the department of «Neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics».

Ergasheva Nargiza Nasriddinova
In 2012 she defended her thesis on "Clinico-paraclinic characteristics and treatment of neurological disorders with spinal hernias in children" and works as an assistant at the Department of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics.

Salikhova Saodatkhon Mukhamadkhanovna
In 2013 entered at the Master's degree in "Pediatric neurologist". Since September 2016, she is an Assistant of the Department of "Neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics".

Alidjanova Durdona Abdullajonovna
In 2010 graduated from Tashkent Institution of Postgraduate Medical Education by the subject of Pediatric Neurology. At present he has worked as an Assistant of The Department of Neurology, Child Neurology TashPMI since 2013.

Doniyorova Farangiz Alisherovna
In 2013 entered at the Master\'s degree in \"Pediatric neurologist\". Since September 2016, she is an Assistant of the Department of \"Neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics\".

Nishonbaev Abrorjon Khotamovich
In 2014-2016 he graduated from clinical residency at the Tashkent Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, on the basis of the Department of Neurology, specializing in Neurology. At present he is an assistant of the chair of neurology, children's neurology TashPMI from 2017.
Muhamedkhanova Malika Ibratovna
In 2014-2017 years. - Master of the Chair in the specialty "Pediatric Neurology". Since September, 2017 - the assistant of chair of a neurology, children's neurology and medical genetics

Shirmatov Sherzod Abdukaxxorovich
In 2017 he graduated from the Clinical Residency at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in the direction of "Neurology". At present he is an assistant of the chair of neurology, children's neurology TashPMI from 2017.

Temirova Munojatkhan Quvvataliyevna
In 2015-2018 years. - Master of the Chair in the specialty "Pediatric Neurology". Since September, 2018 - the assistant of chair of a neurology, children's neurology and medical genetics.