Khakimov Golib Abdulloevich
Khakimov Golib Abdulloevich was born in 1960. In 1983 he graduated the Tajik State Medical Institute named by Abu-ali Ibn sino, specializing in "general medicine". From 1985 to 1988yy. defended his scientific. From 1990 to 1996yy. –doctoral candidate defended his doctoral scientific
Khakimov Golib Abdulloevich
Khakimov Golib Abdulloevich was born in 1960. In 1983 he graduated the Tajik State Medical Institute named by Abu-ali Ibn sino, specializing in "general medicine". From 1985 to 1988yy. defended his scientific. From 1990 to 1996yy. –doctoral candidate defended his doctoral scientific

Khakimova Shakhnoz Golibovna
Was born in 1987. In 2011 she graduated the Tashkent Medical Academy with a degree in“General Practitioner”. From 2012 to 2014yy. - clinical residency on the basis of Cancer Scientific Research Centre named by N.N. Blokhin in Moscow.From 2014 to 2017yy. - graduate school in the specialty of "oncology" on the basis of Cancer Scientific Research Centre named by N.N. Blokhin in Moscow.
Khakimova Shakhnoz Golibovna
Was born in 1987. In 2011 she graduated the Tashkent Medical Academy with a degree in“General Practitioner”. From 2012 to 2014yy. - clinical residency on the basis of Cancer Scientific Research Centre named by N.N. Blokhin in Moscow.From 2014 to 2017yy. - graduate school in the specialty of "oncology" on the basis of Cancer Scientific Research Centre named by N.N. Blokhin in Moscow.

Jumaniyozov Hikmat Ibrahimovich.
In 2005 he graduated from the pediatric department of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2005-2007 he passed clinical internship at the Department of Oncology at the Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical. 2008 he has worked as an assistant of the course "Oncology with pediatric oncology". About tvetstvenny for Academic Affairs of the course. By 5 methodological recommendations and more than 15 scientific papers. Contact: City of Tashkent, City Oncology Center, Chilanzar district, Bogistan-1. Phone: +99893-564-35-67 E-mail: dr.oncohikmat @
Jumaniyozov Hikmat Ibrahimovich.
In 2005 he graduated from the pediatric department of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2005-2007 he passed clinical internship at the Department of Oncology at the Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical. 2008 he has worked as an assistant of the course "Oncology with pediatric oncology". About tvetstvenny for Academic Affairs of the course. By 5 methodological recommendations and more than 15 scientific papers. Contact: City of Tashkent, City Oncology Center, Chilanzar district, Bogistan-1. Phone: +99893-564-35-67 E-mail: dr.oncohikmat @

Ziyayev Shavkat Vazirovich
In 2003 graduated from Samarkand State Medical Institute. In 2004-2007 graduated the mastership of Tashkent Medical Academy in the specialty of “Oncology”. From 2012 Tashkent pediatric institute in the of “Oncology, pediatric oncology working as assistant. Sh.V . Ziyayev is the author of more than 10 scientific works. Information for connections Oncologic dispensary 1, Bogiston, Tursunqulov street, Tashkent Tel: 998-93-518-10-90
Ziyayev Shavkat Vazirovich
In 2003 graduated from Samarkand State Medical Institute. In 2004-2007 graduated the mastership of Tashkent Medical Academy in the specialty of “Oncology”. From 2012 Tashkent pediatric institute in the of “Oncology, pediatric oncology working as assistant. Sh.V . Ziyayev is the author of more than 10 scientific works. Information for connections Oncologic dispensary 1, Bogiston, Tursunqulov street, Tashkent Tel: 998-93-518-10-90

Kadirov Sherzod Shakirovich
Qodirov Sherzod Shakirovich In 2006 graduated from Tashkent Medical Academy. In 2007 -2010s finished mastership of Tashkent Medical Academy in the specialty of “Torakal Surgery” from 2015 Tashkent Pediatric Institute Oncology, pediatric oncology the course working as assistant. Sh.Sh. Qodirov is the author of more than 10 scientific works. Information for connections Oncologic dispensary 1, Bogiston, Tursunqulov street, Tashkent Tel: 998-93-571-03-03
Kadirov Sherzod Shakirovich
Qodirov Sherzod Shakirovich In 2006 graduated from Tashkent Medical Academy. In 2007 -2010s finished mastership of Tashkent Medical Academy in the specialty of “Torakal Surgery” from 2015 Tashkent Pediatric Institute Oncology, pediatric oncology the course working as assistant. Sh.Sh. Qodirov is the author of more than 10 scientific works. Information for connections Oncologic dispensary 1, Bogiston, Tursunqulov street, Tashkent Tel: 998-93-571-03-03

Musurmanov Khayot Ulugbekovich
Musurmonov Khayot Ulugbekovich. April 29, 1990 was born. In 2008 he entered the Samarkand State Medical Institute. In 2015 he graduated from the Samarkand State Medical Institute. From 2015 to 2018 he passed a master's degree in TMA in the specialty "Oncology". Author. 2 scientific articles 1 thesis. Contact information: City Oncology Dispensary in Tashkent, Chilanzar, Boghistan -1. tel:+99891-548-22-44 e-mail.
Musurmanov Khayot Ulugbekovich
Musurmonov Khayot Ulugbekovich. April 29, 1990 was born. In 2008 he entered the Samarkand State Medical Institute. In 2015 he graduated from the Samarkand State Medical Institute. From 2015 to 2018 he passed a master's degree in TMA in the specialty "Oncology". Author. 2 scientific articles 1 thesis. Contact information: City Oncology Dispensary in Tashkent, Chilanzar, Boghistan -1. tel:+99891-548-22-44 e-mail.

Usmonova Shaxnoza Toxirjonovna
In 2014, he graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Institute from 2014 to 2016. Tashkent Pediatric Institute (clinic residency) 2016-2017 - Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute course "State Hospital Surgery and Pediatric Oncology" laboratory assistant 2017-2018 - Tashkent Goroka Fillial RSNPMTCOiR Doctor of Sanitary and Preventive Work 2018 - Present. - Tashkent city peasant filial RSNPMTCOir doctor oncologist of admission, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute course "State hospital surgery and pediatric oncology" assistant chair Author of 2 scientific works. Contact information: City Oncology Dispensary in Tashkent, Chilanzar, Boghistan-1. tel: + 99893-518-10-90
Usmonova Shaxnoza Toxirjonovna
In 2014, he graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Institute from 2014 to 2016. Tashkent Pediatric Institute (clinic residency) 2016-2017 - Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute course "State Hospital Surgery and Pediatric Oncology" laboratory assistant 2017-2018 - Tashkent Goroka Fillial RSNPMTCOiR Doctor of Sanitary and Preventive Work 2018 - Present. - Tashkent city peasant filial RSNPMTCOir doctor oncologist of admission, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute course "State hospital surgery and pediatric oncology" assistant chair Author of 2 scientific works. Contact information: City Oncology Dispensary in Tashkent, Chilanzar, Boghistan-1. tel: + 99893-518-10-90