In the hall of the Tashkent pediatric medical Institute hosted a presentation on "INFORMATION SECURITY" and "INTERNET SECURITY"
The presentation was conducted by the engineer of Telecommunication in Innovation Centre of TashPMI, Scholar on "INFORMATION SECURITY" and engineer programmer division of information technology Tashkent pediatric medical Institute, Have on the topic of "INTERNET SECURITY". The presentation was organized by the Department of spiritual enlightenment work. The presentation was attended by the students of the 1st course to 3 on the course. During the presentation discussed the information, the importance of information, information security, communication, Internet, social networking sites , information security in social networking site, blogger, viruses, virus, hacker, project on E-governance, digital signature, the 29th and 35th of the articles of the Constitution Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law on telecommunications, Law on Electronic digital signature", the Law "Informatization"and some articles of this Law, another explained that time is not money, but the work, each work has its value. Presentation dress rehearsal interactive method. You can look at the bottom of the photos that were shot during the presentation.