"Religious extremism and its harmful consequences" and "Fight against narcotism"

February 10, 2015 in Tashkent pediatric medical Institute in order to increase effectiveness of prevention of religious extremism and its harmful effects, against drug addiction was conducted preventive action with the participation of National information and analytical Center on Drugs Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.V.Maki, of  head for investigation department at SBIA (stste board of  internal affairs) of  Tashkent city Mr. М.Raxmatullaev and inspector  of SBIA of  Tashkent city Mr. A.Fazilov.

The event was attended by PTS (Professor-teaching staff), the activists of the youth movement "Kamolot", responsible for the spiritual and educational work of the faculty and 200 students.

On the questions of the students, guests responded with facts, real-life examples.

 At the end of the meeting were demonstrated video "Adashganlar kismati".



