May 1, 2015 in Tashkent pediatric medical Institute was organized in connection with the performances of the letter of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan №87-02-868 from 15 april 2015 on the theme: “Shu aziz Vatan barchamizniki!”
The event was attended by Professor of the national University of Uzbekistan M. Nurmatovа, honored artist of Uzbekistan Saidа Rametova, writer and poet Mirzo M., pop singer joins “Uzbeknavo” Umarjon Mahkamboev.
The event was very significant to those that were sent to the education of young people-students of patriotism and of duty to the Motherland, sense of defending the homeland, the development of freely thinking, having a stable life position and opposing to the negative impact of the younger generation.