Shoyimova Shokhista Sanakulovna
Shoyimova Shokhista Sanakulovna. Was born on March 1, 1975, working at the department since 1997. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. Responsible for the course of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Tel: +99871 2603112
Akramova Lola Yunusovna
Akramova Lola Yunusovna - was born in Tashkent city 18.08.1960. Ph.D. of Pedagogical sciences, assistant professor. She works in TashPMI since 1986, teaches at this department since 2004. She is responsible for magistrasy in department. Work phone number: +998971 2603242, 2603112. Email:

Usta-Azizova Dilnoza Akhrarovna
Usta-Azizova Dilnoza Akhrarovna – was born 19.08.1969 in Tashkent city. She works at the department since 2004. Ph.D. of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor. Responsible for the spiritual and moral work. Work phone number: +998971 2603242, 2603112. Email:

Mirzaeva Nargiza Asrarovna
Mirzayeva Nargiza Asrarovna - was born 30.03.1972 in Tashkent city. She works at the department since 2001. Senior curator of the course of Pedagogy and Psychology. Author of more than 40 scientific publications. Work phone number: +998971 2603242, 2603112. Email:

Mirzaeva Shakhlo Ruzmat kizi
Mirzayeva Shakhlo Ruzmat kizi - was born 21.05.1978 in Tashkent city. She works at the department since 1999. Responsible for Innovative Cooperation and SSS in the department. Author of more than 40 scientific publications. Work phone number: +998971 2603242, 2603112. Email: