April 2 - world day of information dissemination on the problem of autism. Visit to the national center for social adaptation of children


Head of the Department Abdullayeva V. K. with masters and clinical residents of the Department together with the Director of the center Alimova V. S. and Deputy Director Nazarova L. A. acquainted with the work and methods of psychological assistance to children with autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, motor disorders in the national center for social adaptation of children. World autism awareness Day (World Autism Awareness Day), celebrated annually on 2 April since 2008, is established by UN General Assembly resolution no. A/RES/62/139 of 18 December 2007.




 The purpose of this date is to emphasize the need to help people suffering from an incurable disease and improve their standard of living. Indeed, the number of autistic children is high in all regions of the world and has enormous consequences for children, their families, communities and societies.





Autism is a disorder of the nervous system, which manifests itself during the first three years of life. This disease is diagnosed in the presence of three symptoms: lack of social interactions, impaired mutual communication, limited interests and a repetitive repertoire of behavior.






 Examples of these features can be found in historical sources that appeared long before the introduction of the term "autism". For example, in the records of table conversations of Martin Luther contains a mention of a twelve-year-old boy, possibly suffering from severe autism. Symptoms of the disease can also be traced in the descriptions of the "wild boy from Averon" — Mowgli of the 18th century, who lived in French forests and came to people at the age of 12 years.






The term "autismus" was coined by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler in 1910 to describe symptoms of schizophrenia. The basis of this neolatinism, meaning "abnormal narcissism", he put the Greek word "auto" ("himself"), intending to emphasize "the patient's departure into the world of their own fantasies, any external impact on which is perceived as unbearable intrusiveness."