Actual problems of psychiatry

At the Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, the Ministry of Health, together with the Association of Psychologists of Uzbekistan, held a scientific-practical conference on the topic “Current Issues of Psychiatry: Integration, Innovation, Modernization”.







In recent years, the examination of the mental health of the population, the prevention and treatment of persons with mental disorders, the diagnosis of their diseases, and their care have become an important area of ​​state medical policy. As noted by the conference participants, in accordance with the decree of the President of our country "On measures to fundamentally improve the system of psychiatric care" dated March 16 of last year, programs are being implemented to further improve the system of providing psychiatric care to the population, equipping psychiatric institutions with modern medical equipment, and building and reconstruction of the republican psychiatric institutions. The necessary legal and material and technical base in this direction has been created, psychiatric hospitals and psychoneurological clinics have been built, provided with qualified psychiatrists and modern medical equipment, and measures are being taken to organize the provision of high-quality and timely psychiatric care to the population.






“Certain work carried out at all levels of your country's healthcare system to improve the national mental health care service, identify, treat and rehabilitate people with mental disorders is commendable,” says World Psychiatric Association President Afzal Javed. - The adoption of the Concept of development of the mental health care service of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2025 indicates that the attention paid to the field has been taken to the rank of state policy.





The conference heard reports of reputable international experts, well-known experts in the field of mental health. Issues, achievements and shortcomings related to modern areas of development of domestic and foreign mental health services, providing medical and diagnostic, therapeutic and psychological assistance to children with mental development disorders, current problems of psychosomatic diseases were discussed.



