Bank of lectures on public health for the 7 course
Calendar-themed plans disciplines of public health
lecture on the history of medicine
Bank of lectures on general hygiene, GFC
Bank of lectures on merchandizing for VSD
Toolkit for Medical Statistics
Textbook on demography and morbidity
Workshop on Public Health
Qualifications.article nurses of General practice
Qualification characteristics of organization and management in nursing
Metropolitan plan for 2015-gg
GP in the world
International classification of diseases-10
Lecture on marketing №1
Lecture on marketing № 2
Exam questions on management for masters
The quality and safety of immunization
article in the journal Herald of Science and Education
International medical scientific journal Medicus
International scietific journal «Internauka»
article in the journal Science and Education Today
article in the journal Science and Education Today
article in the American scientific journal
article in the journal Forum of Young Scientists
article in the journal Internauka
article in the journal Problems of Modern Science аnd Education
article in the journal Problems of Modern Science аnd Education
article in the journal Science and Education Today
article in the journal Problems of Modern Science
article in the journal Theory and practice of modern science
article in the journal Young Scientist
article in the journal Young Scientists
article in the journal Theory and practice of modern science
article in the journal Science, Education, Culture
article in the magazine Approbation
article in the magazine Approbation
article in the journal Young Scientist
article in the journal Synergy of Sciences
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
monografiya G.A.Djalilova
monografiya Sh.T.Iskandarova
monografiya S.K.Nazarova
article in the journal VAK
article in the journal VAK
Article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in the journal VAK
article in a foreign magazine
article in the journal VAK
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine
article in a foreign magazine