Yusupalieva Gulnora Akmalovna
Yusupalieva Gulnora Akmalovna - has a medical degree. DSc. Is the chief of the department "Medical radiology".
e-mail: ygulnora@mail.ru, Tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58
Abzalova Munisa Yakubdjanovna
Yakubdzhanovna - has a medical degree. Is responsible for the education process of the department "Medical radiology".
e-mail: munisa7911@mail.ru tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58
Shanasirova Rano Sabirovna
Shanasirova Rano Sabirovna - has a medical degree.
e-mail: ranosh_81@mail.ru tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58
Talipova Sevara Makhmudjanovna
Talipova Sevara Makhmudjanovna - has a medical degree.
Is responsible for the spiritual and moral work of the department "Medical radiology".
e-mail: sevara.talipova90@mail.ru, tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58
Begmanov Rasuljon Bahridin ugli
Begmanov Rasuljon Bahridin ugli - was born on Jule 28, in 1990. Has a medical degree. Is responsible for innovative technologies of the department "Medical radiology". e-mail: rasul7399@mail.ru, tel: + 998 ( 71 ) 260-32-58
Akhmedova Arzu Rakhmonovna
Akhmedova Arzu Rakhmanovna - has a medical degree. Is responsible for the trade union of the department "Medical radiology".
e-mail: arzu1988@mail.ru, tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58
Akhmedov Elyor Allayarovich
Akhmedov Elyor Allayorovich was born on August 3, 1987. He has a higher medical education. Is responsible for the therapeutic work of the department "Medical radiology". e-mail: elyor19877111@mail.ru, tel:998 ( 71 ) 260-32-58
Umarova Umida Asqarovna
Umarova Umida Askarovna was born on October 26, in 1985 in Tashkent. Has a medical degree. Is responsible for the clinical ordinatory of the department "Medical radiology". e-mail: umidaradiolog@gmail.com, tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58
Manashova Adiba Rustamovna
Manashova Adiba Rustamovna - was born on June 19, in 1982 in Kazakstan. Has a medical degree.
e-mail: rubin_as@mail.ru, tel: + 998 (71) 260-32-58