Ergashev Nasriddin Shamsiddinovich
Head of the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery TashPMI. In 1976 he graduated from the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute. Employee of the department since 1979. In 1989 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Surgical diseases of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts in children. Area of scientific interests: all sections of pediatric surgery. Published more than 500 scientific papers. The author of 12 inventions. Under the guidance of N.Sh. Ergashev, 2 doctoral and 9 candidate dissertations were prepared and protected. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No.2, Department of Scheduled Surgery. Tel: office: 268-87-00. E-mail:

Khamraev Abdurashid Zhurakulovich
In 1980 he graduated from Samarkand State Medical Institute. Employee of the department since 1988. In 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Paraproctitis in young children (clinic, diagnosis and treatment)." Area of scientific interests: pediatric coloproctology, abdominal surgery, neonatal surgery, purulent surgery. Author of more than 300 scientific works, including 8 monographs, 10 textbooks and 8 textbooks in Russian, Uzbek and Karakalpak. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1, Tashkent, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Tel: 970-61-62. Email:

Ergashev Bakhtiyor Berdalievich
In 1989 he graduated from TashPMI. Employee of the department since 1992. In 2007 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Diagnosis and treatment of malformations of kidneys in newborns and infants". Area of ??scientific interests: neonatal surgery and pediatric urology. Published more than 160 scientific papers. Author of 3 methodical recommendations for students and masters of pediatric faculty, author of 3 patents. Contact information: Republican Educational Therapeutic and Methodological Center of Neonatal Surgery at the Republican Perinatal Center, Tashkent city. Tel: 618-42-26, E-mail:

Sattarov Jamol Baxronovich
In 2007 he graduated from the pediatric faculty of SamGosMI. From 2007 to 2011, he passed a master's degree at the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery of TashPMI. From 2012 to 2015 he passed doctoral studies. Since 2015 he works as an assistant to the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery TashPMI, Doctor of Medical Sciences. In 2016 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Diagnosis and selection of surgical tactics for defects in the rotation and fixation of the intestines in children." Area of scientific interests: abdominal surgery, coloproctology of childhood. Published more than 80 scientific papers, 1 patent for invention.

Khamidov Bahodur Khamidovich
In 1976 he graduated from the Central Asian Pediatric Medical Institute. Employee of the department since 1980. In 1989 he defended his thesis on "Intra-intercostal antibiotic therapy in combination with coamid in the complex treatment of calculous pyelonephritis in children." He is the author of more than 210 scientific and methodological articles, one copyright certificate, a patent, 23 rationalization proposals, including popular science brochures, 27 methodological recommendations. Research interests: abdominal surgery, cloproctology, thoracic surgery. Contact information: No. 2 City Children's Surgical Clinical Hospital, Tashkent, Department of Scheduled Surgery, Tel: 324-16-88

Allaberganov Ismail Kadyrovich
In 1993 he graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2009-2011, the chief doctor of the 2-city clinical children's hospital. Employee of the department since 2012. In 2002 he defended his thesis on "Treatment of complications of scar stricture of the anorectal region in developmental malformations in children". Area of scientific interests: abdominal surgery. Published more than 50 scientific papers, 2 patents for invention. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No. 2, Department of Scheduled Surgery. Tel: 332-07-00

Yakubov Erkin Amangeldievich
In 1995 he graduated from TashPMI. From 1995 to 1997 he passed clinical residency in the Urgench branch of TashGosMI. From 1997 to 1998 he worked as a pediatric surgeon at the Central Regional Hospital of the Khiva district. Since 1999 he has been working as an assistant to the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery of TashPMI. 2018 defended Phd dissertation on "Diagnosis and treatment of cystic enlargement of external bile ducts in children" Pediatric surgery - 14.00.35. Area of scientific interests: hepatology of childhood. Is responsible for the academic work of the department. Since 2002 he has been on duty in the sanitary aviation of the Republic. Children's surgeon of the highest category. The author of more than 80 scientific papers. He is the author of 2 patents for the invention of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the developmental defects of the hepatobiliary zone. Contact information: City Children's Surgical Hospital No. 2 in Tashkent, Department of Scheduled Surgery.
Otamurodov Furqat Abdukarimovich
In 2006 he graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In the years 2006-2009. passed magistracy (TashPMI, Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery). Employee of the department from 2013. 2018 defended PhD thesis on the topic: "Diagnosis and treatment of major clinical forms of anorectal malformations in girls" - 14.00.35. Area of scientific interests: abdominal surgery, coloproctology of childhood. Published more than 30 scientific papers. 2 patent for invention. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No. 2, Department of Scheduled Surgery. Tel .: 185-62-64

Khurramov Farrukh Musinovich
In 2000 he graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Samarkand State Medical Institute. In 2001-2004, passed magistracy (TashPMI, Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery). Employee of the department since 2006. Theme of the scientific work: "The choice of optimal treatment tactics and methods of resection of the colon with its developmental anomalies in children." 14.00.35. Area of scientific interests: abdominal surgery, coloproctology of childhood. Published more than 130 scientific papers. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No. 2, Department of Scheduled Surgery. E-mail:

Rakhmatullaev Adham Abaybekovich
In 1997 he graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1997-1999 years. passed clinical residency at the Department of Pediatric Surgery TashPMI. Employee of the department since 1999. Theme of scientific work: "Diagnostics and treatment tactics for foreign bodies of the respiratory tract in children." 14.00.35. Area of scientific interests: thoracic surgery of childhood. Published more than 50 scientific papers. Contact information: Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No. 2, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Tel: 188-84-32. El. mail:

Khakimov Timur Pulatovich
In 1987 he graduated with honors from SAMPI. In 1988 he passed an internship in pediatric surgery. From 1988 to 1989 he worked as a pediatric surgeon at the emergency post of the SAMPI clinic. Since 1989, he worked as a senior laboratory assistant, since 1991 as assistant to the department of hospital pediatric surgery of TashPMI. Theme of the scientific work "Diagnosis and treatment tactics in the syndrome of edematous scrotum in children." Pediatric surgery - 14.00.35 Research interests: urology and general pediatric surgery. Published more than 40 scientific papers. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No.2, Department of Scheduled Surgery.

Nazarov Nurali Nurmuhammadovich
In 1992 he graduated from TashPMI. From 1992 to 1994 he passed clinical residency at the Department of Pediatric Surgery No. 2 TashPMI. In 1998 he defended his thesis on "Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive cholangiopathy in young children" Pediatric surgery - 14.00.35. From 2010 to 2013 he passed doctoral studies at the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery TashPMI. The theme of the scientific work "Modern methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of megacolon in children." Area of scientific interests: hepatology, coloproctology of childhood. Author of more than 50 scientific papers and 2 rationalization proposals. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No. 2, Department of Scheduled Surgery.

Rakhmatullaev Sirojiddin Khusniddinovich
In 2014 he graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2014-2016 years. passed clinical residency at the Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery TashPMI. Employee of the department since 2016. Area of scientific interests: urology of childhood. Published 8 scientific papers. Contact information: City Children's Clinical Surgical Hospital No. 2, Department of Scheduled Surgery.