TEMPUS UZHELTH project first working meeting
12 - February 18, 2014. (Pisa, Italy)

By the invitation of the Pisa University in framework of the TEMPUS UZHELTH project “Enhancing Public Health Learning and Teaching in Uzbek Higher Education Institutions " and under the permission of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute authority, representatives of the TPMI spent duty trip in Italy, Pisa between 11th of February and 19th of February 2014 (Turkish Airlines . Amalfitana Hotel) (invitation and resolution attached).

The Consortium of European Universities under the leadership of the University of Pisa organized the Working meeting. At the meeting were attended specialists and experts in the field of healthcare, agriculture, ecology and veterinary medicine of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Slovakia (more than 30 people from 5 countries).

We express our sincere gratitude to the National Tempus Office for the support. All issues concerning preparation for a working meeting and visa issues have been resolved in a timely and professional manner.

The organizers of the meeting preliminary provided us with all the necessary information and analytical materials to compare the Italian health system, agriculture, veterinary medicine and ecology with Uzbek healthcare, agriculture and veterinary system.

Firstly, it was initiated the discussion dedicated to the comparative analysis of health systems, agriculture, veterinary medicine and ecology of Uzbekistan and Italy and other issues related to the project were discussed as well. This allowed participants from TPMI to be prepared to take an active role in the discussion. For example, TPMI project team proposed a sample of the official logo of the TEMPUS UZHELTH project for discussion among partners so this initiative positively accepted by the organizers and other participants.

All participants had the opportunity to present themselves and their university, and TPMI team prepared a presentation about the institute, it was send to the organizers for placing it on the official website of the project. The European partners have provided materials on the Tuning method and other related to the topic presentations. Once again, the EU partners noted the importance of an appropriate use of the "Tuning” method and they provided the examples of how to use it properly.

On the second day of the meeting was discussion on the comparative analysis of public health in some countries of the European Union and Republic of Uzbekistan. After that, participants had the opportunity to visit the University Clinic and the Surgery Center with the newest computer technologies ENDOTCAS (Center for computer assisted surgery). TEMPUS UZHELTH delegation met with the head of ENDOTCAS center Mauro Ferrari, professor of surgery, he presented the activities and achievements of the Centre. The virtual engineering complexes using computer technology and simulating the surgical interventions.

It was attractive the fact, that the center staff team consists not only by doctors and scientists, but also by biomedical engineers and specialists in the field of computer technology, which means that the future of science is in the joint and related disciplines. In the center we met with the founder of the ENDOCAS Center Professor Franco Mosca, the actually president of the charity fund ARPA. We have discussed the possibilities of future cooperation regarding the exchange of professors, students and professionals from TPMI, as well as with scholars in the field of a new generation surgery, using computer technology.

At the meeting, the following main activities discussed:
1. Healthcare system
2. Agriculture (including veterinary)
3. Environment (including ecology)

Because the delegation from TPMI was included in the sector "Health", the further our work carried out within this sector. Three days the representatives of all higher medical schools from Uzbekistan, Portugal, Belgium and Italy discussed the competencies oft the general practitioner (GP) and specialist (MD).

As a result, the list of competencies was developed and ranked in importance order. It decided to designate 30 competencies for the general practitioner (GP) and 30 competencies for the specialist. Based on the list of competencies the further work on tuning of the curriculum will conduct in the health system and the sectorial qualifications framework.

A number of meetings with representatives of the Pisa University was held, there were presented a medical education in Italy, the research in the field of medicine, the telemedicine centers and the anatomy museum. The series of meetings and discussions dedicated to project management in accordance with work packages. The TPMI appointed as an institution, responsible for medicine and health, the project partners have decided to organize the opening ceremony of the project in Tashkent, and TPMI declared preliminary as a coordinator. Date of opening scheduled on April 24-28, 2014.

In addition, the delegation from TPMI prepared handouts about our institute for the European project partners (calendars, booklets). On behalf of the TPMI Rector there prepared the Memorandums of Understanding with project partners from the EU Universities and they were handed over to sign to the project delegates.

Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Pisa (Italy) has been handed to the Rector, Professor Massimo M. Augello, with the University of Porto (Portugal) to Mrs. Raquel Lucas PhD, with the Gent State University (Belgium) - to Professor Dirk Eyvonts, it will expand cooperation between TPMI and these universities not only in the frame of the project, but also beyond the project.

It was especially remembered the meeting with representatives of Toscana area health system of Italy. In the city of Florence the regional manager of health care Andrey Leto presented the Italy health system, its financing and management. 

Sherzod Ashirbaev,                                  Nazifa Agzamova
Director of the Innovation Center,             Head of the Educational department,     
Institutional Coordinator                              Responsible for the academic process   
UZHELTH project, TPMI                             UZHELTH project, TPMI