On May 7th of 2019 the innovational center of TPMI met JICA’s new volunteer

Due to the start of JICA’s new volunteer’s activity in the innovational center of TPMI, on May 7th of 2019 the innovational center of TashPMI met volunteer program coordinators of JICA – Odilhon Khasanov, Kamidate Bunsei, and the JICA’s new volunteer, high-qualified engineer and IT-specialist - Mr. Mori Yasuyuki.

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In the meeting the coordinators and the innovational center residents discussed about getting the JICA’s new volunteer - Mr. Mori Yasuyuki to establish volunteer activity in the innovational center of TPMI. Mr. Mori Yasuyuki introduced himself, then he was informed about members of the innovational center of TPMI, with the room and conditions, also he got answers for all his questions.

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According to the agreement, the volunteer of JICA – Mr. Mr. Mori Yasuyuki starts his volunteer working in the innovational center of TPMI on May 7th in2019.