"We will do everything that women were satisfied with their lives" - President


Shavkat Mirziyoev on Saturday took part in the event dedicated to 8 March, in Tashkent.

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev on Saturday took part in a festive event dedicated to the International women's day, in the House of state receptions Navruz in Tashkent.

In his speech, the President called the care of the woman "the most noble tradition of our people." "All of us, regardless of profession and position, consider ourselves indebted to you, our dear women, for their best human qualities, for all the good and light that is in our souls and hearts," he said.

"Incomparable your contribution, role and place in the education of healthy, harmoniously developed generation. You brighten our lives with the light of his love and kindness, loyalty and devotion, limitless sacrifice. And we are always grateful for the fact that it was thanks to you in our families, in our society, there is peace, tranquility and prosperity", - said the President.

Speaking of women, "first of all, we bow our heads before the sacred image of the Mother that gave us life, nourished her milk and raised with boundless love and care," said Shavkat Mirziyoev.

"On earth there is none more worthy the most exalted words than the Mother. Our people have always magnifies, glorifies mothers. This is also evidenced by monuments in their honor erected in our country. For us the words Mother and Motherland are sacred. Not by chance we say "Motherland", and there is a deeper symbolic meaning", - said the head of the country.

He stressed that "our spiritual life will become richer and more meaningful, if from the earliest years we encourage children such high feelings and notions, if our poets and artists will create new works in praise of mothers, of women."

"The cultural level of any society is determined by its attitude towards women. This is true, requiring no proof," continued Shavkat Mirziyoev. That is why ensuring the rights and interests of women, creation of conditions for decent work and life, realization of abilities and capacities built in Uzbekistan in the rank of state policy.

The country's leadership for the near and long term in first place put the social issues of vital public importance, the President said. This is the construction of housing, a fundamental reform of the health system, providing the population with affordable and quality medicines, improving trade and transport services, electricity, natural gas, drinking water, construction of kindergartens, schools, objects of culture and sports, modern roads.

Serious attention is paid to the involvement in the regions specialized medical centers, based on high technologies. Accelerating the construction of multidisciplinary children's clinic at the Nukus branch of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute. In the Khorezm region in cooperation with the leading Russian clinic for cardiovascular surgery named after A. initiated the establishment of the centre of cardiovascular surgery. In Termez will be organized branches of the Republican scientific-practical centers of urology, eye microsurgery and obstetrics and gynecology. In Kashkadarya region will set up branches of the Republican centers of cardiology and endocrinology.

"We're also conducting a large-scale work on further improving the activities of rural health units, ambulance services, prevention system and patronage. I think our people are well aware, especially you, dear women, the value of this noble work aimed at the implementation of our declared humanistic ideas of "human Interests above everything else"," - said the head of state.

In difficult conditions prevailing in the world, primarily the need to protect the prevailing peace and tranquility, interethnic and civil consent, the President said. "A particularly urgent task for us is to safeguard and protect our children from alien ideas, any threats".

"If we do not increase the effectiveness of the relevant work in the field of education, culture and spirituality based on a clear system, it would be difficult for us to build our future, achieving our goals," he said.

The priority tasks of the state bodies, he said, should be to increase the medical and legal culture in families, provision of employment of graduates of professional colleges and higher educational institutions, especially girls.

"And of course, all of us - parents, public officials should take more responsibility in the education of our girls, their health, their mastering modern knowledge and professions, gaining a worthy place in society. No wonder they say that girl is a future mother, the guardian of the family hearth. After all, what kind of education we give them today, depends on how tomorrow they will educate a new generation," - said Shavkat Mirziyoev.

"When we are talking about threats to our society, of our whole life, it is often understood as external challenges. However, unfortunately, some defects left over from the past still overshadow our present peaceful life. Indifference, indifference, jealousy, disagreements between spouses, mother-in-law and sister-in-law, neighbors, disrespect to women are the negative things absolutely not to the person to our society" - further noted the leader of the country.

To prevent them was radically changed system of local administration and bodies of internal Affairs, structure, funds "mahalla" and "Nuroniy", received additional staffing to strengthen youth work. Such reforms, according to the President, will be held in respect of the women's Committee of the Republic.

"We are ready to do everything to ensure that you are always the epitome of unique beauty and tenderness, was happy with his life and destiny, to happiness lit up your faces,"- said in conclusion, Shavkat Mirziyoev.