At the department has adopted a thematic plan, library and area of spiritual and educational work. The work is conducted according to the plan in all groups. In addition to the curatorial department is working for this every year, the annual curatorial developed a plan by which a group holds regular talks and discuss the works of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, materials, spiritual-educational nature. Attached to the department three curatorial groups of the 1st of Pediatrics. Supervisors of these groups is an assistant professor of F. and S. Karimov Khaibullina ZR At the curatorial team of teachers involved in the festivities, "Independence Day," "Student Day", "Day's mentor and teacher," "Constitution Day", "Nowruz "March 8, and others. In curatorial groups regularly held discussions aimed at developing students' high spiritual and moral qualities, to develop a sense of patriotism, trust and respect for each other. Students prepare reports on the following topics: "The well-being and prosperity - 2013", "Oila huquq manbalari", "Constitution", "Terrorism", "On the dangers of smoking, drug addiction", "On the goodness and mercy ", "Role of the doctor", etc.
Together with the curator of a museum visit, "Courage", "art", "Medicine", "Amir Temur", "athletic prowess", etc. Also, go to the theater, "National Drama Theatre," "Abror Khidoyatova", "Ilkhom" and etc.
"Camelot" with the dean's office regularly provide financial assistance to needy students. Curators acquainted with the living conditions of students in hostels and private apartments. As far as possible they are given all possible assistance.
The facilitators are:
By order of the Institute № 277 of 09.09.13г. employees of the course appointed curators of the following groups. Ikramov Z.A. - 305 Ip, Azimov A.M. - 306 Ip, Сулейманва GG - 307 -Ip
Clock information
At the department there is a folder that contains the presidential decrees, decisions of the Ministry of Higher Education, news, politics, etc. These materials are being actively discussed at facilitators groups (weekly), faculty meetings, lectures, practical classes.
On the order of institute 2018/2019 school year the employees of course are appointed by the counsels of next groups : Икрамова of З.А. - 204 Iп, СулаймановаГ.Г.- 205 Iп