The Final Conference of Erasmus+ CBHE Technology in Rehabilitation (TechReh) was held in the Innovation center of Tashkent pediatric medical institute
The Final Conference of Erasmus+ CBHE Technology in Rehabilitation (TechReh) was held in the Innovation center of Tashkent pediatric medical institute
The Final Conference of Erasmus+ CBHE Technology in Rehabilitation (TechReh)
was held in the Innovation center of Tashkent pediatric medical institute
Visit of prof.Juocevicius foreign specialist to Tashkent pediatric medical institute according to the Erasmus+ TechReh project
Visit of prof.Juocevicius foreign specialist to Tashkent pediatric medical institute according to the Erasmus+ TechReh project
From 4 to 10 October of this year, a foreign specialist from Medical Department of Vilnius State University (Lithuania), Professor Alvydas Juocevicius visited Tashkent pediatric medical institute according to the Erasmus+ TechReh project.

Educational program 19/08/2018 - 01/09/2018 Intership Tech Reh-ESPRM-Kos Care
Educational program 19/08/2018 - 01/09/2018 Intership Tech Reh-ESPRM-Kos Care
Educational program 19/08/2018 - 01/09/2018 of Intership under Erasmus+ Tech Reh project at Santo Stefano Rehabilitation Institute (Italy)
Open conference of the project Erasmus+ CBHE technology in rehabilitation (TechReh) in Uzbekistan
Open conference of the project Erasmus+ CBHE technology in rehabilitation (TechReh) in Uzbekistan
Open conference of the project Erasmus+ CBHE technology in rehabilitation (TechReh) in Uzbekistan