“Girls Zulfiyahanim”
On April 22, 2014 In Tashkent pediatric medical Institute on the initiative of the Women's council of the institute was held seminar-meeting on a theme "Girls Zulfiyahanim".
The event was attended by the famous actress, winner of the medal "Shuhrat" Dilnoza Kubayeva.
With a report and a presentation was made by the student of 3rd course of Pediatric faculty Sharipova Diara -winner of the municipal stage of the State awards "Zulfiya" and the student of 1 course of the faculty of medical-pedagogical and medicine matters Kurbanova Mobarkhan -winner 47-International Mendeleyev Olympiad.
Actress Dilnoza kubaeva told the students about his creative work and in the end has answered all interesting questions from the audience.