
School attendance Yangiyul district

13 December 2018, the Pro-rector on work with youth TashPMI M. Akhmedovа, Deputy Dean for work with youth 1-Pediatric faculty S.Begmanov and Deputy Dean for work with young people A.Khudayberdiev called for and hosted the event 28-29-30 schools Yangiyul district of Tashkent region.

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"The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a legal guarantee of the country's development and the well-being of society"

December 5, 2018 in TashPMI was held an event dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the legal guarantee of the country and the welfare of society".

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"Folk medicine as an additional method of providing medical care to the population".

On October 31 this year in TashPMI, political Council of SDPU "Adolat", faction of SDPU " Adolat "in the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis in cooperation with the Ministry of health and public Fund Ibn Sino held a round table entitled "Folk medicine as an additional method of providing medical care to the population".

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School attendance Yangiyul district

October 26, 2018, Vice-Rector on work with youth TashPMI M.Akhmedovа, Deputy dean for work with youth 1-Pediatric faculty S.Begmanov, Deputy dean for work with young people A.Khudayberdiev and leader of the “Union of youth” TashPMI A.Nasirov attended and hosted the event 27-28-29-30 schools Yangiyul district of Tashkent region.

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ATTENTION STUDENTS! Starting from 2018, the Republican contest "Student of the year" will be held between students of Universities.

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