Prospects of further development of broadband wireless access
Today exchange of information is an essential part in everyone's life. One of the conditions of modern society is widespread and easy access to information, including the Internet.
Technology of wireless communications is widely used to provide access to the Internet in public areas - shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, hotels, etc. Not spared this technology public transport. For the convenience of passengers on city busses in Tashkent launched a test project to equip Internet equipment with the function of wireless transmission. On February 3 2016, wireless internet access was launched on one of the bus routes, and will soon be tested on other routes.
It should be noted that it is necessary to develop this direction, not only in relation to urban public transport (trams, metro), as well as the gradual introduction of trains and intercity trains. This will help relieve the mobile network and consequently improve the service provided to the end user. It is planned to provide Internet based modern 4G LTE technology, which can cover large distances and provide high-speed connection. In 4G LTE technology development have contributed staff SUE "Center of Electromagnetic Compatibility". Every day in SUE CEMC received requests related to the development of 4G LTE network. Up to date, the work carried out on the development and modernization of the above technologies in all regions of the country.
Technological development of infrastructure of broadband access networks must take account of global trends and based on accessibility, fault tolerance and security-in through the use of modern technological equipment .