Scientific work

Scientific activity Area of research of the department is: "Improving the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of childhood." PhD chair: 3 doctors of medical sciences, 10 candidates of medical sciences. In the department have been reserved 2 doctoral and three master's theses in recent years: Shomansurova E.A . her doctoral thesis on "Clinical features, diagnosis and immunoprophylaxis Haemophilus influenzae in children." Agzamova Sh. her doctoral thesis on the subject: «TORCH infections in children, the risk factors predicting the courses and outcomes." Ubaydullaeva S.A. defended her thesis on "Improving measle vaccination in children with obstructive bronchitis", supervisor MD Shamansurova E.A.  Sh. Mahkamova GG - she defended her thesis on the topic: "The etiological and clinical characteristics of diseases associated with croup in children", PhD supervisor, Professor E.A. Shamansurova Planned thesis: Ubaydullaeva S.A. - Thesis: "Peculiarities of chronic non-communicable diseases in children, adolescents, and ways to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches."  Mahkamova G.T. - Thesis: "Evaluation of the functional state of the respiratory system in children with pneumonia different etiology, methods of correction." Kutlumuratova Z.R. - Thesis: "A comprehensive evaluation of the pathogenetic mechanisms of cardiovascular disorders in children, prevention and treatment." Teachers of the department are members of the association of pediatricians and general practitioners of Uzbekistan, actively participate in the annual scientific conferences. The Department has student scientific circle "ZIELILAR." 7 th year students reports on current topics in the annual conferences of young scientists at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. F.K.Tashpulatova. SH.A. Agzamova -GENETIC PRECONDITIONS OF CLINICAL-BIOCHEMICAL MANIFISTATIONS OF TUBERCULOSIS OF LUNGS.

Articles 2017

2017г. №16, Улугов А.И.


Akramova H.A., Ahmedova D.I.neurologic the status of children..., 79-81 betlar

AlimovaM.X., Ubajdullaevna S.A

AlimovaM.X., Ubajdullaevna

Bulletin VOP_17_statya_Mavlyanova

The gender..., Koshimbetova G. K, 82 - 84 betlar, 2017 yil

Djalilov, Niyazov

Estimation..., Mahkamova G. T, 95 - 100 betlar, 2017 yil

PBIM 2017, 2,1 (95) Materials of conference

Organisation ways profilakt...., Turdyeva S.T., Koshimbetova G. K, 158-161 bet, 2017y

Ubaydullayeva S.A.nozologichekie of the form not infectious., 50-52betlar

Xelikobakterioz at children..., Turdieva S.T., Tadzhiev B. M, 257-261 bet, 2017 y.

Emotsi..., Shomansurova E.A., 186 - 191 betlar, 2017 yil

Ergasheva N.N., ³2 2017 y


Monographies 2017


The monography of Shamansurova, Mahkamova

The monography of Shamansurova, Mahkamova



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 Devorova M. B Gastrointestinal allergy and its manifestations in children of preschool ageЮ X l-th international scientific-practical conference "Actual scientific research: from theory to practice" Moscow. "Imperia" Publishing House, 2017.133-135. 

Devorova M. B. Aspects of the genesis of food allergy in young children. XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theoretical and practical problems of the development of modern science", Makhachkala, November 30, 2017. 31-32 

Devorova M. B Influence of an allergic recurrent obstructive bronchitis on the physical development of preschool children "The Year of Friendship with the People and the Human Interest."Uzbekistan Pediatrician Assoatsiation.Republican scientific and practical conference. Tashkent, December,2017. Page 22

Devorova M. B Rehabilitation of protein-energy malnutrition in infants "The Year of Friendship with the People and the Human Interest." Uzbekistan Pediatrician Assoatsiation.Republican scientific and practical conference. Tashkent, December, 2017. Page 23

Devorova M. B Diet therapy for food allergies in young children  XX Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with International Participation Actual problems of pediatrics »Moscow, February 16-18. 2018. 87 bets

Devorova M. B Aspects of prevention of allergic diseases in children born to mothers with allergic diseases.International Medical Journal No. 2 (20), March 

Devorova M. B Aspects of prevention of allergic diseases in children born to mothers with allergic diseases. Materials of the XVI Международная научно-практическая конференция «Theoreticheskie i prakticheskie problemy razvitiya sovremennoy nauki» г. Makhachkala, February 28, 2018. 17 pages


KarimovaD.I Peculiarities of hematological data in chronic gastro-duodenal pathology in school age children. 

IX Russian forum with international participation “St.Petersburg Pediatrics: experience, innovations, achievements”

12-13th September, 2017

KarimovaD.I  Peculiarities of application of the modern technologies in education . Republican educational conference Tashkent, 2018 p101-102

KarimovaD.I  Application of the modern video devices in educational process in medical institutions 

Republican educational conference Tashkent, 2018 p102-103

KarimovaD.I  Clinical characteristics of helmint-protozoa infections in adolescents . Collection of scientific articles of the Republican scientific practical conference of Gomel State Medical University. Gomel, GomGMU, 2018, p362


KarimovaD.I  The study of the features of COPD  progression together with arterial hypertension. Biology and medicine problems International scientific journal №1(99) 2018

Koshimbetova G.K. Medico-social factors in the development of functional dyspepsia in children of school age. federal state in the North-Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation the student scientific society.56 total student scientific conference with international participation "time to look in the future," 2017

Koshimbetova G.K. The results of a study of the characters of school age nutrition Compendium IVRespublikanskoj scientific-practical Conference "improvement of the quality of medical services in primary care" 2017

Koshimbetova G.K. Development of non-rheumatic miokarditov in acute respiratory infections in children "Status and prospects of medical assistance to children in the regions of Uzbekistan.Innovative questions in pediatri» 2017 abstracts

Koshimbetova G.K. Aspects of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children of school age. Medicus  International medical scientific journal № 1(19),2018

Koshimbetova G.K. The level of erythropoietin in children with chronic somatic diseases. Abstracts of the 20TH Congress of Pediatricians of Russia «actual problems of Pediatrics» Moscow, 16-18 February 2018g

Koshimbetova G.K. Analysis of  irritable bowel syndrome. . International Academy journal web of scholar 3(21),Vol.2,March 2018

Koshimbetova G.K. Analysis of the diseases in preschool children. Science Center * Olympus * proceedings of the XXXVI International scientifically-practical Conference. < Study on various directions of modern science > April 23, 2018Moscow

Koshimbetova G.K. Irritable bowel syndrome in children in the clinical aspect Problems of biology and medicine. scientific materials 72-th scientific and practical Conference of students and young scientists «actual problems of modern medicine» Samarkand 11-12 may 2018 g

 Koshimbetova G.K. Independent work of students of medical universities. Efficiency and efficiency of modern high technologies in the educational process Republican educational and practical conference Collection of articles and abstracts in Tashkent

Koshimbetova G.K. Aspects of functional gastrointestinal disorders in children. Research in modern world XIV Materials of the international scientifically-practical Conference Makhachkala.31janvarja2017g.

Koshimbetova G.K. Identification of risk factors for functional disorders of the digestive system in       schoolchildren. 45th Scientific practical conference of student’s scientitic society Abstract book Devoted of the“Year of dialogue with people and the human interests” Tashkent 20th April 2017

Koshimbetova G.K. Rehabilitation methods in skin and infectious diseases. Uz.R Library of the Scientific Academy  Publishers Navruz, Tashkent street Akademiki house 13      2017


National Development Program “Science-2020”

Aim. On the basis of the national program of development "Science-2020"developed by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education together with the company "Elsevier" (Netherlands), the Department of Ambulatory Medicine is working to improve the quality of scientific research activities of faculty members in the field of " Improvement of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common diseases in children. "

This program allows you to register in the databases of world educational resources, electronic catalogs of modern scientific literature and plans to help in the preparation of articles of young scientists and doctoral students, as well as support in the publication of their scientific papers in high-ranking journals.

Registration: 18 employees of department of Out-patient medicine, physical education are also registered in the international scientific database Scopus and Science Direct.

Downloaded papers. Employees of the Department of Ambulatory Medicine, Physical Education were from the international scientific database Scopus and Science Direct downloaded 906 articles on their specialty. The received data are written down on a disk and are put in a database of the information-resource center. The downloaded data are used to cover the literary part of theses of candidates for basic doctoral and doctoral studies, as well as independent applicants, for writing scientific articles. For example, the assistant Tillaboeva A.A. uses the downloaded data to write a literary review on the scientific topic: "Improving the standards of care for home-based patients with disabilities." Associate Professor Ganieva D.K. uses downloaded data to write articles on the scientific topic: "Modern methods of treating bronchitis"

Turdiyeva SH.T 2013-2014

Russia article №3 2014

Innovative educational technologies Ufa 2015 April

Vyatsky medical bulletin of Turdiyev Sh.T.2,2015

The level of interleukins in children ..., Turdieva Sh.T., 221-222str. 2017g.pdf

Devorova M. B Gastrointestinal allergy and its manifestations in children of preschool age

Devorova M. B Aspects of the genesis of food allergy in young children.

Devorova M. B Diet therapy for food allergies in young children

Devorova M. B. Aspects of prevention of allergic diseases in children born to mothers with allergic diseases.

Devorova M. B Aspects of prevention of allergic diseases in children born to mothers with allergic diseases.

Nosirova G.R. Immunological parameters in chronic tonsillitis in adolescents

Nosirova G.R. Clinical and immunological indicators in chronic tonsillitis in adolescents

Shaykhova M.I. Shaykhova M.I. Features of some indices of immunity with chronic purulent otitis media

Shaykhova M.I "The use of interactive teaching methods in the conduct of the cycle" Pediatrics ":" Syndrome of deficient conditions in children "

Shaykhova M.I. Features of the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with arterial hypertension

Shaykhova M.I. Features of chronic otitis

KarimovaD.I Clinical characteristics of helmint-protozoa infections in adolescents

KarimovaD.I The study of the features of COPD progression together with arterial hypertension

Koshimbetova G.K. Aspects of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children of school age

Koshimbetova G.K. Features of the functioning of the gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system

Koshimbetova G.K. Gender and age aspects of clinical manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome in children

Koshimbetova G.K. Ways to organize preventive and rehabilitative assistance to schoolchildren with chronic gastroduodenal pathology

Nosirova G.R. preparations at treatment of children with chronic festering sinuitiss

Nosirova G.R. Immunological parameters in chronic tonsillitis in adolescents

Shayxova M.I. The importance of acute respiratory diseases in the development of non-rheumatic myocarditis in children

Shayxova M.I. Peculiarities of bronchial asthma,s management among the schoolchildren at conditions of family polyclinic

Shayxova M.I. Study of the immune system of school-age children with pathology of the middle ear

SHamansurova E.A.Kutlumuradova Z.R. Biochemical profile of the antioxidant system in children with acute pneumonia

Kutlumuradova Z.R. Geno-phenotypic markers as predictors of disease development

Kutlumuradova Z.R. Introduction of innovative teaching technologies in the educational process of clinical departments

Kutlumuradova Z.R. The method of projects in the organization of independent work of students in the clinical departments of medical schools

Kutlumuradova Z.R. Assessment of the psychomotor development of children of the first year of life

Kutlumuradova Z.R. Nurse approach to assessing the physical development of children

Kutlumuradova Z.R. Kutlumuradova Z.R. International standards for assessing the physical development of children in the practice of nurses in primary health care

Kutlumuradova Z.R. Clinical and immunological efficacy of the use of the preparation "Betaleykin" in the complex treatment of nosocomial pneumonia in children of the first year of life

Koshimbetova G.K. Independent work of students of medical universities

Koshimbetova G.K. Identification of risk factors for functional disorders of the digestive system in schoolchildren

Koshimbetova G.K. Rehabilitation methods in skin and infectious diseases

Koshimbetova G.K. Medico-social factors in the development of functional dyspepsia in children of school age

Koshimbetova G.K. The results of a study of the characters of school age nutrition

Koshimbetova G.K. Development of non-rheumatic miokarditov in acute respiratory infections in children

Koshimbetova G.K. Irritable bowel syndrome in children in the clinical aspect

Koshimbetova G.K. Long-term results of staging treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis in children

Koshimbetova G.K. The level of erythropoietin in children with chronic somatic diseases

Koshimbetova G.K. Analysis of the diseases in preschool children

Koshimbetova G.K. Clinical Signs of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children of school age

Koshimbetova G.K. Analysis of irritable bowel syndrome

Ganiyeva D.K.""The influence of obstructive bronchitis on the physical and intellectual development of preschool children"

Ganiyeva D.K." “Dynamics of physical development of children of early age against the backdrop of obstructive bronchitis"

Ganiyeva D.K.""Influence of obstructive bronchitis on the immunological status of young children”

Ganiyeva D.K." “The hygienic value of landscaping accommodation”

Ganiyeva D.K.""Evaluation of the physical development of preschool and school children in the city of Tashkent"

Shaykhova MI "Interactive methods of teaching as a factor in improving the educational process in the university"

Shaykhova MI "The use of interactive teaching methods in the conduct of the cycle" Pediatrics ":" Syndrome of deficient conditions in children "


Karimova D. I.Clinical and functional characteristics of patients with COPD in sararterial hypertension

Karimova D.I. Peculiarities of application of the modern technologies in education

Karimova D.I. Application of the modern video devices in educational process in medical institutions

Fayziev O.N.Neurological disorders in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Fayziev O.N frequency and ratio of antigens of the group of ceruloplasmin in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Fayziev O.N Immunological status of young children with bronchial asthma with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

Ulugov A.I.The Respiratjry Allergies in Childrin in the pediatrics aspect

Ulugov A.I Clinical basics of allergic pathologies in children

Ulugov A.I Clinical features of allergy in children nithhelminthiasis

Ergasheva N.N. Congenital intestinal obstruction in newborns: causes, features of the clinic

Ergasheva N.N. Combined malformations of internal organs in newborns with congenital intestinal obstruction

Ergasheva N.N. Features of the clinical picture of congenital intestinal obstruction in newborns.

Ergasheva N.N. Risk factors for conjunctive jaundice in newborns

Ergasheva N.N. Analysis of the factors of congenital intestinal obstruction in infants.

Tillabaeva AA Patronage care for undrained children in polyclinic conditions

Tillabaeva AA Analysis of the most commonly used methods of contraception among women of reproductive age

Tillabaeva AA Modern recommendations for management of patients with bronchial asthma in the conditions of a family polyclinic

Tillabaeva AA Influence of obstructive bronchitis and physical and intellectual development of preschool children

Tillabaeva AA Features of bronchial asthma management among school-age children in conditions of a family polyclinic

Tillabaeva AA Optimization of the work of nurses of rural medical centers for rendering medical care to disabled people

Abdurazaqova S.A. Anemic syndrome in chronic pyelonephritis in children

Abdurazaqova S.A. Value of erythropoietin level in the diagnosis and monitoring of anemia in children

Abdurazaqova S.A. Character of hematological changes in celiac disease in school-age children, depending on the from of the disease

Abdurazaqova S.A. Results of a screening evaluation of family, genealogical and social history in children with chronic pyelonephritis

Abdurazaqova S.A. Evalution of anemic and sideropenic syndromes of chronic pyelonephritis in school-age children

Abdurazaqova S.A. Chronic pyelonephitis in children: peculiarities of physical development in communication with anemic and sideropenic syndrome