
"Science 2020"

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On the basis of the agreement "Science 2020" signed between the Netherlands company Elsevier and the Ministry of Higher Education of Uzbekistan, the teaching staff of the Department of Dermatovenereology (100%) were registered in the resource Scopus and Science Direct

Within the framework of the national program "Science 2020", increasing the effectiveness of research activities of the faculty by expanding access to the database, modern scientific literature and educational resources of developed countries.

Downloaded files
120 articles were downloaded for skin diseases in children, including allergic dermatoses, autoimmune skin diseases, scleroderma, psoriasis and alopecia in children.
The downloaded materials will be used for patent searches and in the thesis of the assistants Nabiyeva DD, Ahrarov HH, Mun AV and Babadjanov OA, as well as for writing articles prepared by the faculty. Part of the material will be used by students of the master's degree of professor M. Abdullaev. and ass. Bababekova NB in the preparation of master's theses.